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Static Fixed IP SIM Card
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Static Fixed IP SIM Card

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Value proposition

Rapid setup of a plug and play VPN to connect things in IoT

Competitive advantage

A static fixed IP is assigned to the device but the device is not accessible by other users browsing constantly Internet. Additional consume of data is therefore avoided by protecting the connection with encryption.

Service description

From its desktop a user can remotely access its device with a fixed IP which is assigned to the device. The communication is secured and encrypted. The device is configured with a VPN SSL certificate and one can simply execute a client on the desktop to remotely access the device. This service is especially useful for people who want to remotely access a PLC and retrieve some information or manage the device. You just put the SIM inside the device, configure the SSL connection and access remotely the device from the desktop. No one will access your device with permission, and you will save money avoiding the extra traffic which is shot to your device from Internet if you don`t protect it. If you just get a static IP from your SIM provider with a VPN connection like this one you are really exposing your device to be hacked or blocked by bots.

Device description

As to configure the device to support static IP one should configure the device as a OPENVPN client, the safest SSL configuration of the market. The configuration steps of the device are the following ones:
Step 1: Make the configuration of the Device client with the following parameters
- TCP/IP on port 80
- AES-128-CBC Encryption
- TLS/Password
Step 2: Download of the certificates from the service server
Access the service web of static IP to download the certificates to be installed on the device.and install them on the device
Step 3: Install the OPENVPN client
As to remotely access the device you need to install on your destop an open source client compatible with OPENVPN.
Step 4: Install the certificates on the desktop on your desktop
Access again the server of our service to install the certificates for the OPENVPN client. You need to choose a client which is compatible with your operating system.
Step 5: Test the connectivity
Once you have launched your local desktop client you can ping the static IP of your device. Another possible test is to use your browser, type the static IP of your device and login in with your credentials in the web page of the device (if there is any).

Once everything has been installed and configured you can freely access your device with the same static fixed IP.

Certified > No

Connected Thing > PLC


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