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Beer tap Telemetry
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Beer tap Telemetry

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Value proposition

Predictive maintenance and monitoring of beer equipments

Competitive advantage

Ensure that brewers maintain a correct temperature for draft beer or cider

Service description

Alizent`s predictive maintenance solution combined with connectivity allows beer brewers to monitor beer coolers and dispenser temperature.

- Prevention of Beer tap breakdown
- Prevention of expansive repair
- Money and waste time avoidance due to unusable beer taps
- Optimization of the routing of the technician for maintenance
- Maintain the high image of the beer`s brand
- Customer satisfaction increase

Device description

The Alizent`s telemetry device has 2 probes of temperature which are submersible, 1 probe for electric consume, 1 for outside temperature and 2 probes for pression. The telemetry is inductive since the electric consume is the most food safety method for prediction of consume.

Certified > No

Connected Thing > Beer tap



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